
a. – Prepare the initial draft of the annual budget for approval by Association.

b. – Assistance in preparation of Budget meeting: Notification, participation, provide additional staff to assist with procedure if required.

c. – Prepare a mailing to all owners of the approved budget in accordance with Association documents.

  1. – Prepare coupon booklets for each existing resident, which will be mailed prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Additionally, coupon books for the remainder of the first calendar year of residency shall be supplied to all new residents upon their purchase of the home or another choice are the monthly income statement

  2. – Assist to the attorney association in any collection process

a. – Receive and process all unit owner assessment payments.
c. -Prepare deposit and set down in appropriate association bank accounts within three (3) business days.
d. – We make daily up date register deposit, if the Board of Directors prefer the option directly payment deposit with the bank (log box)
e. – Provide daily customer service
f. – To charge late fees to the owners with pending balance

a. – We will maintain a monthly record of assessment billings, charges, adjustments and payments.

b. – Maintain Owners’ and renters’ roaster

c. – Maintain copies of all insurance master policy

d. – Handle insurance claims

e. – Copying and Printing

f. – Contract management: Information gathering following guidelines set by the Board of directors. Creations of specifications as per established by the Board of directors.

f. 1- Negotiation: Bidder list, bid solicitation, contract preparation, negotiation, supervision and follow up

g. – Maintain vendor and contractors files

h. – Assist in preparation of rules and regulations, creation of enforcement Committee and fines system.

i.Enforcement of rules and regulations

j.Creation of work order and complaint form system. Residents and board members can follow up via fax, email or by mail. Provide problem resolutions

k.Wage and salary administration if applicable.

l.Assistance in preparation of Annual meeting: Notification, participation and provide additional staff to assist with procedure if required.

m.Attorney liaison: Assist attorney in all legal matters of the community

n.Processing of sales/transfer and rental. Application for occupancy, statement of approval, etc. Work closely with screening process and background verification. Handle stopples letters.

o.Provide on-site management service if needed.

a. – Establish with the Board of Directors a system when the Manager should take related to delinquency accounts. These would include, but not necessarily be limited to, the number of days delinquent resulting in: late penalty and first warning letter being levied; second warning letter (if any); and notice of intent to lien. (Delinquency letters and follow up procedures)

b. – Prepare account information to assist the Association’s attorney in any litigation. Manager court appearances with the attorney may be an additional charge dependent upon Management Staff Time Allocations.

c- Issue Association copies both monthly and upon request of an aged delinquency report in a format.

a. – Develop and monitor a payment voucher system for Association.

b. – Receive and verify all invoices, issue all payment checks and provide a detailed disbursement record

c. – Prepare checks for Board’s signature for payment of Association expenses within the Association’s cash-flow limitations. Manager will not use its own funds to assist the Association’s cash-flow situation nor will Manager be responsible for the consequences of insufficient Association funds.

d. – Maintain vendor files containing payment information and invoice.

e. – Issue annual 1099 Forms to qualified Association vendors, consistent with IRS guidelines.

a. – Prepare and maintain the records necessary to produce monthly computerized financial statements.

b. – Provide Association board members a copy of the following each month:

*Balance Sheet – list assets and liabilities as of the end of the current month.

*Income and Expense Statement (Profit and Loss) – list income and expenses by account (which had been designated by Association) showing the current month’s activity, current month’s budget, current month’s variance, year-to-date activity, year-to-date budget, year-to-date variance and annual budget

*Delinquency report – reflecting individual charges on an aged basis as well as what actions have been taken that month on each delinquent account.

*Cash Disbursement Journal – listing by all checks processed.

*Reserve analysis reflecting monthly additions and deletions to each account.

*Prepaid insurance schedule. Payments of insurance

*Pre-payment Report – reflecting advance assessments received.

*Income statement

*Investment management if applicable

*Wage and salary if applicable

*Bank reconciliation

c. – Mail or otherwise distribute the Association copies of financial reports generally between the fifteenth and twenty days following the end of the month.

d. – At the year-end closing, print a copy of the year end cumulative general Ledger for the fiscal year.

e. – Other financial reports are available upon request at no additional charge.

a – Cooperate with the Association’s independent Certified Public Accountant in the annual, quarterly, or semi-annual audit, review, or compilation by making all the records, books, and files available for inspection and review.

b– Prepare and assist with all reports or documents to the independent tax accountant and file the annual Federal and State income tax returns at a fee to be agreed by the Board of Directors.

a. – Provide support to the Association in its responsibility for investment of funds. This support may take the form of limited investigation of rates or assistance in completing necessary forms required by the banking institutions and investment firms.

The manager will supervise all personnel necessary to properly operate and maintain the community consistent with the approved budget, and will review the performance of service contractors, to provide greater efficiency and lower maintenance cost.

a. – Implementation of work order procedure
b. – Monthly maintenance inspections, provide report
c. – Provide landscaping, janitorial, maintenance and security services if requested

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